
I was born in Gifu pref, which is a very country side in Japan, in 1981. I grew up in Aichi till I became an exchange student for University of California, Davis, from Nanzan University. After I realized what I would like to do in my life through this exchange program, I moved back to California, San Jose, and started aiming what I could do there as an ARTIST...I took an Associate Art degree at a community college in a graphic design major, however, I had promoted myself as an artist everywhere in Bay Area cities and absolutely in San Francisco as well. Fortunately, I got so many offers to exhibit my art works at stores, galleries, public walls, and so on... My art concepts were becoming popular in Bay Area, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas...

Since I graduated from a college in Bay Area, I started working as a bike messenger. I was very much poor at that time, and I really needed a money as soon as possible, so I asked my friend, who is "YOHEY" as you know if you are San Francisco people, and he suggested me to be a bike messenger, and also he added an extra stupid information, which was like this, "heeey yoshi, you know what? being a bike messenger can earn more than $100.00 in a day, I mean at least...or if you work really hard, you might get $200.00 in a day....why don't you work as a messenger, then you will become a one of millionaires...." I could not even believe that I trusted him so much with this full of shit. Anyways, I became a messenger in San Francisco, and started being in a hell and much poorer than ever in my life. I do not blame YOHEY though....

However, I really appreciated him so much because I learned a survival attitude, and I found something more important thing than a money itself.

anyways, I worked really hard, and saved up money, and got a ticket going back to Japan, and finally, I got out of a poor life....but somehow, i could not stop thinking of being a bike messenger again in TOKYO, so, I let myself follow this great instinct.

you know what, I'm kind of getting off the rail right now and supposed to translate what I wrote in Japanese here, but kind of tired...so, in short, I quit a messenger already, and got back to where I am supposed to be as an artist in Japan.

1981 年岐阜県郡上郡白鳥町(現:郡上市白鳥町)にて生まれ、愛知県にて育つ。2001年にアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州立大学に留学。後に、南山大学を退学 し、アメリカの大学に入学。卒業後、サンフランシスコにてバイクメッセンジャーを始める。アメリカに留学して以来、アートに出会い、いろいろな活動をはじ め、ベイエリア、サンフランシスコ、ロサンゼルス、ラスベガスなどの地域にて個展・グループ展などを開催。日本帰国後は、東京にてバイクメッセンジャーと して働く。その間アート活動を停止する。南山大学からの復学オファーを頂きメッセンジャーをやめ、愛知県に帰宅。それからアート活動を開始し、日本各地で アートショーなどを開催。現在は愛知を拠点に福岡と東京を中心に活動している。