toy dog

toy dog
Born in Asakusa, Tokyo, Toydog is a messenger.
He escaped to NYC after hustling in Tokyo.
He joined the noise band "INFINITY SS" formed by members of an artist group "Fanatic Voyage" from the Lower East Side and became involved in artwork during his stay in NYC.
He has performed and had work which is mostly mixed media artwork in paint, collage, photography and sewing shown in NY, Florida and Kansas.
After he got back to Japan, starting taking photographs of Japanese club scenes and messengers - documentary of urban life on them. His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on realities and gives message to the viewers.
And now, he has been organizing a gallery/lounge party "Tokyo Doped Youth" which is always crowded by pretty damn hardcore messengers and going bikesplorning everywhere in Tokyo.

マンハッタン、ロウアーイーストを拠点に活動する、地元のアーティスト集団、Fanatic Voyageのメンバーを中心としたノイズバンド、「INFINITY SS」に加入。
「Tokyo Doped Youth」を主催し都内各地を徘徊中。